After a bunch of specialists, here's the backbone of my soon-to-be-finished chaos army. Doing these took a fair amount of time even if the end result is quite one coloured. The chapter is called "
Invocators". I was trying to find an undivided chapter with fluff that would fit a chaos army fielding a bit of everything and these guys apparently do just that. It's serious business, doing fluff appropriate armies you know. The colours make them easily mixed up with Emperor's Children I guess, but that'll just give me permission to play them as Emperor's Children too!
Closeup on the troops and a rhino. The spiky bits on the rhinos are a bit goofy but the previous owner of the models had already drilled holes for the nails so I ran with it. |
The predator tank and some terminators. I was initially supposed to do four terminators per base but found out three already fill up a base just fine. |