
Wants 'n trades

Generally speaking I'm always on the lookout for a good deal on pretty much any old Games Workshop stuff or hex & counter wargames, but here's a list of some more specific stuff I'm after with varying levels of enthusiasm. I'll be happy to trade with you if there's something in my reserve you're after.

  • Warhammer Realm of Chaos Lost & the Damned book (warhammer world reprint will do)
  • Warhammer 40 000 "Rogue trader" hardback rulebook
  • Warhammer 4/5th edition Undead army book
  • Mordheim Witch hunter n:3
  • Mordheim Sisters of Sigmar sisters and novices
  • Well, all things Mordheim might be of interest.  
  • Warhammer Johann the witch hunter
  • Warhammer Bretonnia: metal squires on foot (the scout type figures with bows, need maybe 6)
  • Warhammer Orcs & Goblins: metal night goblin infantry (I have plenty of command groups and specialists already, just basic troops)
  • Warhammer Orcs & Goblins: Azhag the slaughterer on wyvern
  • Warhammer Wood elf warhawk rider with bow 
  • Warhammer Chaos Arbaal the Undefeated
  • Warhammer Chaos Be'lakor
  • Warhammer Quest Lair of the Orc Lord
  • Warhammer Quest Catacombs of Terror (especially Dread King on throne and Luthor the Hunchback)
  • Warhammer Quest Imperial Noble. 
  • Warhammer Quest Witch Hunter
  • Epic death korps infantry (forumware or third party "not death korps")
  • Lord of the Rings:mounted metal ringwraiths.
  • Lord of the rings: Haradrim riders 
  • Lord of the rings: Uruk Hai captain with great axe

For Trade:
  • Dogs of War: Lots of stuff for trade. Pike units, one albion giant, Oglah Khan's wolfboyz, Birdmen etc. 
  • Skaven packmasters and giant rats, two sprues
  • Halfling hot pot
  • Scribor miniatures dwarf rangers and miners 
  • Empire plastic college wizards (the old ones)
  • High Elves: Swordmasters, metal, 12 inc. command
  • Dark Elves: Old metals, Bob Olley harpies, Marauder witch elves and such.
  • Orcs & Goblins: metal extras, command group models etc. To be inventoried.
  • Orcs & Goblins: Age of Sigmar era plastics, half painted, poor condition.
  • Chaos: Great unclean one, metal, painted, original box. (I'd like to trade for a bloodthirster)
  • Bretonnia: Morgiana LeFay, nicely painted
  • HeroQuest: Kellarin Linnake (Finnish ed. of Kellar's keep) cardboard spare parts
  • HeroQuest and Space Crusade spare parts.
  • Warmaster: Bits and bobs for O&G, Undead and High Elves. Will have to inventory these.
  • Warhammer Fantasy: Old plastic stuff, various
  • Lord of the Rings: Plastic Rohan stuff
  • Mordheim: Plastic human Mercenaries and Skaven
  • Mordheim: Sisters of Sigmar Champion with two warhammers
  • Battletech figures, old metals and plastics. (metal ones might be old recasts or otherwise sloppy castings)
  • Epic plastics for marines, orks and eldar 
  • Epic chaos metals and plastics (reluctant to part with any until I've completed by army but there's probably plenty more than I need)
  • Epic Tyranids (see above.)


  1. Hello!
    Can you sell the scan of scenario books "Last Summer" and "The Turning tide"

    1. I don't think so, sorry. Have you tried to get in touch with the author?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you for the answer!
      I already email to the author and he does not respond. I think it out of stock now, retailers is sold out.
