
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Finnish field kitchen for Winter War, 1939

Another one for the 80th anniversary of Winter War. These Baker Company figures are not very good sculpts, but when I looked at them, they did begin to tell a story. There was, for example, a figure who looked like just a boy, sitting on the ground with an expression of anguish. The youngest boys to lie about their age and get into the war are said to have been just 14 years old. I put him in the center, being consoled or maybe scolded by and older soldier. There's also some kind of argument going on in the line for pea soup. Maybe he's not getting that extra portion he was hoping for? I decided to complete them as a small diorama that can be used as an objective or just something to make the table more interesting.


  1. Nice little vignette. You could consider using it as a morale marker of some sort. The benefits of hot food.

    I like the birch tree trunk in the background.
