
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

WW2 German infantry battalion for Spearhead

Being active on the painting front after some weeks of not picking up a brush! Here are the first infantry units for my microarmor project. They took me two or three evenings to do so they're pretty fast to paint. These represent a German infantry battalion in Spearhead, reinforced with some Paks. They are for the first scenario in the Spearhead rulebook. Next, I'll finish up the Russians for that scenario and I can finally get a game in with these figures!


  1. Great bases! They certainly complement the miniatures well. What is that? Shredded sponge and static grass?

    1. The bottom is a mix of sand, pva and pigment. On top of that I've glued a mix of flocks and static grass I did a few years ago. Finally there are patches of.. I think it's GW glade grass. It's spongy stuff

    2. Thanks for sharing. It works very well.
