
Thursday, May 9, 2013

New place, new possibilites

Me. my wife and my son moved from the city to a house in the country a little over a week ago. We bought it from my parents who didn't need as much space anymore. The place used to be a small farm built after WW2 and my parents bought the place from the sons of the original owner after he had died in the early 90's. When we originally moved in, there wasn't running water, the electricity wiring was original (1950) and there was a lot to do. We did some small scale farming there until Finland joined the EU and well.. small scale farming ended up being a losing business. My father has spent a lot of time, money and effort modernizing the place and we're continuing the effort.

The house is a 25 minute ride away from my place of work so it's quite well situated. What's more important, there's plenty of room for all sorts of hobbies and activities. When I originally moved out from here to study in the university, I felt claustrofobic in a 12 square meter dormitory room. Not much space to paint miniatures and build terrain there, either. Now.. I have this:

Its the old barn of the farm. Part stone, part wood. My dad kept horses there until a couple of years ago, and its now used as storage. I intend to convert it into a workshop/gamespace/mancave!

The barn is filled with junk and it will take a lot of work, but I will dismantle the enclosures, put down a new floor, paint the roof and insulate the walls. As manly it would be to have stone walls in your workshop, the temperature drops sometimes below -30 celsius during the winter and the place definitely needs the extra layer of insulation inside if I intend to keep it warm and dry during the winter months. 

Building the workshop is somehow not on the top of the list of things to do over here according to my wife, but once I have time for it, I intend to bore you with the details. I'm happy I have enough space to put down a decent gaming table and leave projects lying around again. Heck, I have enough space to host a re-enactment if I want to!