
Saturday, September 3, 2011

T-minus 6 days

Less than a week to go, but I think I'll finish the table in time. Here's some work in progress shots before I grab the paintbrush:
This is the table after I cut the elevation levels and glued them into place with a hot glue gun. The streams ended up bigger than I intended but I think they won't look as dominating in the end result. The elevations are lower now than in my practice piece, and I think it's ok now for 6mm.
And here it is after two layers of acrylic caulk (the stuff you can paint on) and added sand. The caulking process took about 4 tubes of the stuff and cost 15 euros or so, but if you have the money, I think the caulk gives a good, flexible base to do your terrain on.
I added sand here and there, especially on the banks of the streams and other places, where there will be breaks in the green flock, like roads.
As you can see, the caulk smooths out the step effect of the elevation levels quite nicely, and adding the sand breaks the pattern even more. There's about 4-5 layers of cardboard to the top of this knoll. 

There you go. I'll try to paint the thing today and maybe flock it tomorrow. I ordered some 6mm americana buildings from Total Battle Miniatures and they arrived yesterday. They look great!

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