
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Narthoks the Excellent

"welcome, come in! I love having adventurers for dinner!"

I have a bunch of half painted figures I'm trying to finish up. This one I started painting last summer.

Monday, November 30, 2020

War Mumak of Harad

This in one of those impulse builds. I've a mind to do some of those iconic Lord of the Rings creatures without much plans to use them in games. The Mumak is one of those beasties, although painting one up turned out to be quite a big task. Well, I'm still happy I did this, as I got this one on the cheap. I had to strip it, it had parts missing etc. Turned out well in the end. The Mumak surpassed the Adeptus Titanicus Warlord for the position of the largest GW figure I've painted, but as for my yearly painting tally, there's a grumpy dwarf insisting it still only counts as one...

Grey as a mouse
Big as a house
Nose like a snake
I make the earth shake
As I tramp through the grass
Trees crack as I pass
With horns in my mouth
I walk in the South
Flapping big ears
Beyond count of years
I stump round and round
Never lie on the ground
Not even to die
Oliphaunt am I
Biggest of all
Huge, old, and tall
If ever you'd met me
You wouldn't forget me
If you never do
You won't think I'm true
But old Oliphaunt am I
And I never lie

I painted the Haradrim to match my Frostgrave summoner warband. Their colours match, but the scale difference is noticeable.





Thursday, November 5, 2020

3D printed microarmor


Nothing fancy, just logging some T-34's I finished on the side. They're all 3D printed and turned out nice.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Throwback: Space Hulk 1st edition

I played a game of Space Hulk first edition today with the kids. I haven't aired the box in about 12 years, definitely not after I got third edition in 2009 so I took the opportunity to take some quick pics of figures I haven't featured on my blog yet. I think these were painted with the old Citadel inks predating the "devlan mud" era. It was a royal pain to paint black ink over white armor :)








Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Mines of Moria


I needed the pillars for another scenario so I thought I'd paint the whole Mines of Moria terrain set while I'm at it. Pretty basic but it gives me some nice scenics I can scatter around most dungeon tables. I've been playing the older edition of the LOTR game with my kids, and I suppose we'll get to Moria eventually. I have to paint the whole fellowship before that though. And the Balrog!

Friday, October 9, 2020

28mm Winter War trench section

No Winter War set is complete without a trench. Soviets making WW1 style charges against prepared Finnish positions is one of the iconic images of the war, even if in practice it makes for dull wargaming. I actually pretty much completed this during the summer, but it took me quite a while to find a suitable snow product. I was looking at several cheap alternatives, but ended up getting some Woodland Scenics soft flake snow in the end. It worked like a charm for that freshly fallen powdery snow look. I just hope it doesn't become dirty with dust and stuff.











Friday, July 10, 2020

Some black orcs

One shouldn't let a year pass without painting some greenskins, so here's a bunch of black orcs for my army!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Adeptus Titanicus (2018) Legio Krytos maniple

Okay, so I challenged myself to paint a whole project from start to finish during The Outbreak without straying in the process and behold! Here is my Adeptus Titanicus maniple, completed in about two months' worth of hobby time, although I have to say I didn't have as much spare time as many people seem to have had. I really like these models but it was quite a crunch to paint all that gold trim.

Upon finishing my models I noticed they need something to communicate their scale, which isn't present in the desert planet setting I use for my Epic games. All the old illustrations of titans has infantry swarming around their feet (how do they avoid getting stepped on??) so I put my resin printer to work and printed out some heresy era marines. The maniple is charging through a battle between the Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists, obviously not paying any attention to the insects but focusing on the enemy maniple ahead.  I also took advantage of the opportunity to do a "maniple tray" that'll double as a nice diorama in the display cabinet.