
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Paukarlahticon V

The fifth Paukarlahticon was on 3-5.June and there were more people than ever there. 30 people came to play over the weekend which I am really happy about. A lot of games played, a lot of beer drunk and lots of war stories in the sauna!

Here are some random photos of some of the games played there. I will make separate posts on Cold War Commander and General de Brigade so you can check those out too.

A lot of Muskets & Tomahawks and Ronin going on this time. I think this is Ronin, correct me if I'm wrong.

Epic 40 000. My Dark Angels vs. Necrons. Looking good!

Or not. I was wiped away promptly. I really need to learn how to play this game :)
Late night drunken Bamboleo.
Good old Heroquest. Which is the best game ever made, obviously.
A tutorial game of Frostgrave.
Soldiers of God. I was interested in this but was too busy showing off Frostgrave to pay too much attention. It looked pretty card driven.
A friend of mine brought his 3D printer. 3D printing will definitely revolutionize our hobby in the coming years. I'll show off some printed stuff I paint later this summer.
The printer at work.
There were boardgames played as usual but as usual I was preoccupied in the miniatures section. If someone took photos, send them and I'll add them to the report.